Other churches

Other Churches


Located in the "Portichetto" – Pineta area, the church, devoted to Saints Martino from Tours and Alessandro Sauli, is perfectly entered in the surrounding landscape. Designed and engineered in the 60s by architect L. Caccia Dominioni, within the larger project, born in the second half of the 50s, for an architectural experimentation in the “Pineta di Arenzano", of a building estate completely surrounded by greenery. It is an important point of reference for the observants living in the residential complex, with liturgical services taking place on Sundays and holy anniversaries.

Address: Via Del Lago, 2
Entrance: Free
Info: Ufficio parrocchiale Tel. 010.9127470
Site: www.parrocchiadiarenzano.it


S. Bartolomeo church is located in the small village of Terralba. Inside the church it’s kept an altarpiece dating 1500s. The feast of St. Bartholomew takes place on 24th August and, on that day, the whole parish community of Arenzano goes to Terralba to follow the religious celebrations, which culminate with the traditional evening procession with crucifixes and the statue of the Saint.

Address: Via Terralba, 144
Entrance: Free
Info: Ufficio parrocchiale Tel. 010.9127470
Site: www.parrocchiadiarenzano.it


San Sebastiano Church, is located right in front of the coast, where once there were Arenzano ancient shipyards. It was probably built around the 15th century host the faithfuls, and customs agents and to protect the citizens of Arenzano during the spread of the plague, which manifested itself the previous century. The church, which became a cemetery chapel in 19th century, was recovered to worship and its original splendour in 1980. The change of the area as a public park dates to 2014, which was dedicated to the domestic prelate Carlo Dellacasa, beloved parish priest of Arenzano from 1956 to 1998. Inside the small church you can admire the Christ of the Arenzano Shipyards.

Address: Via Montà, 3
Entrance: Free
Info: Ufficio parrocchiale Tel. 010.9127470
Site: www.parrocchiadiarenzano.it
